Cloud-based Threat Intelligence vs Traditional Threat Intelligence

November 03, 2021


There has been a lot of talk lately about the use of cloud-based threat intelligence in comparison with traditional threat intelligence, but what is the difference? Which one is better to use? And why are they different? This blog post will dive deep into the comparison between cloud-based and traditional threat intelligence to help you understand better and make an informed decision.

What is Cloud-Based Threat Intelligence and Traditional Threat Intelligence

Cloud-based threat intelligence is derived from analyzing cyber threats through cloud services. It provides insights into threats that affect cloud-based services, infrastructure, and applications. On the other hand, traditional threat intelligence is more focused on identifying, analyzing, and understanding threats on a local network or physical devices. The data for traditional threat intelligence is obtained through log files, security event analysis, and threat reports, while cloud-based threat intelligence relies on machine learning and AI to identify and respond to threats in real-time.

Comparison of Cloud-Based Threat Intelligence and Traditional Threat Intelligence

While both cloud-based and traditional threat intelligence are used for the same purpose, there are several differences between them. Here are five key differences between cloud-based and traditional threat intelligence:


Cloud-based threat intelligence is highly scalable, allowing for monitoring of a large number of data sources, whereas traditional threat intelligence is limited by the resources available locally.

Real-time threat detection

Cloud-based intelligence allows teams to detect new threats in real-time and respond quickly, minimizing the impact of cyber attacks. Traditional threat intelligence is more reactive, meaning it often requires updating systems and analysis post-event.


Cloud-based threat intelligence is more cost-effective than traditional threat intelligence, as there is no need to invest in specialized hardware or software.


Cloud-based threat intelligence is better equipped to predict new threats based on machine learning and analysis of threat patterns. Traditional threat intelligence is limited by the data available, which is not always up-to-date or comprehensive.


Cloud-based threat intelligence makes use of rich threat data and advanced machine learning algorithms to provide accurate threat analysis. Traditional threat intelligence, on the other hand, is limited by the available data, which may not always provide a complete picture of the security landscape.


Both cloud-based and traditional threat intelligence have their advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to make an informed decision based on your organization's needs. Cloud-based threat intelligence is highly scalable, cost-effective, and provides real-time threat detection and analysis. Traditional threat intelligence, however, provides a more holistic view of the security landscape, including local devices and network activity.

If your organization is fully cloud-based, cloud-based threat intelligence may be the better option, while if you rely heavily on local devices and network infrastructure, traditional threat intelligence may be a better fit. Ultimately, the decision comes down to which method will provide the most comprehensive and effective threat protection for your organization.


[1] Gartner, "Emerging Technology Analysis: Threat Intelligence in the Age of AI and Big Data", 2019.
[2] Redscan, "A Guide to Threat Intelligence", 2021.
[3] Paloalto Networks, "Cloud-Based vs On-Premises Security: Which Is Right for You?", 2019.

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